Celebrating our network of partners – part one: corporate partnerships

Posted on:  May 3, 2024

We’ve had an exceptionally busy start to 2024, which has seen us with the highest referral levels since we launched our Alternative Provision in 2017. Another area where we are more connected than ever is through our growing network of partnerships – the importance of which was highlighted in our Vision Strategy under the core pillar of ‘Involvement’.  So we wanted to share the fantastic work that has been underway across a range of partnership areas.

In fact, there has been so much happening across our partnership work, we’re sharing updates in three parts! First up…

Corporate Partnerships

A key part of our purpose being to facilitate pathways for young people, building connections with local businesses has always been an important objective.  So we are very happy to have established three new partnerships over the last year, which are really helping to amplify our impact with young people:

Hendy Group

We have been working closely with the team at Hendy Group Portsmouth over the last year, arranging site visits for Year 11 students who are considering pathways into the motor industry. The company also very generously donated a car for our workshop, so that our students could practice and learn their motor mechanics skills in-house. This collaboration has resulted in a work experience placement for one of our Year 11 students which, with a lot of support for the student and for the team working with him on a daily basis, has been a huge success:

“T felt a sense of pride at being given the responsibility of being the first work experience representative from OC. He has learnt about the expectations in a workplace, developing his confidence, communication skills and the ability to mix with all ages. We have been really pleased to see how T has been developing his resilience to manage problems he may encounter in the workplace like understanding it is okay to make a mistake as you are learning new things. Our support has helped T form more of a plan for his future, helped him to articulate an aspiration and the self-belief to pursue it.” Caroline, Gosport Project Manager

“I’ve really enjoyed working at Hendy’s. The team there are all nice to me and let me get on with jobs independently. I’ve really liked working with [T’s mentor] and I’ve been allowed to do lots of jobs that I didn’t think I’d be allowed to do, like making a number plate. I really feel like part of the team.” T, work experience student

Barratt Homes

A team of volunteers from Barratt Homes came to our Gosport base to overhaul part of the site, to create a working garden for our students. The team created an enclosed large plot with new topsoil for growing vegetables and built a row of timber-built raised planters for herbs, flowers and more. It was brilliant welcoming the team from Barrett who have totally transformed an unused area of ground into a fully working garden area, something we would not have been able to do without their support. This will make such a difference for the young people we work with. We’ll be able to deliver practical gardening skills, which will also link to opportunities for life skills training, all of which will lead to a recognisable qualification for them.

Langstone Quays Resort

Our partnership with Langstone Quays is now well established with the hotel agreeing for us to use the venue as our operating centre for our RYA affiliation, an important element in helping us get young people out on the water. The team at the hotel also welcomed OC students who visited the site to learn about potential pathways available through the hospitality industry.

Silverlake Automotive Recycling

Hot off the presses is a new partnership with Silverlake, who are keen to help support our work – initially with the donation of a car for our young people to train on in workshops. But there are lots of other opportunities we’re looking in to together, as they shared: “… when the opportunity arose for Silverlake to get involved with this wonderful organization, we jumped at the chance! Now students get get stuck in with the mechanical aspects of motor vehicles with Silverlake’s Help. We cannot wait to welcome the OC team back to Silverlake for a tour and help educate students about the world of Automotive Recycling! Lots more to come!

In-kind Support

Careers and work experience opportunities are a brilliant way for local business to help us support young people into the workplace, and another brilliant help is through in-kind resources and discounts. The work we do is resource heavy, and we need all kinds of materials, supplies and services to deliver our activities. So we’d like to thank local businesses who support our work through in-kind donations, be it free materials or sginificant discounts, including:

Dale Herridge Improvements

Wessex Resins

PSP Worldwide Logistics

If you are from a local company and are interested in how we may be able to work together, or you’d simply like to find a way to offer your support, drop our CEO a line, we’d love to talk to you! [email protected].


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