superyacht charities ball

Celebrating our network of partners – part three: funding partnerships

Posted on:  May 10, 2024

Funding Partnerships

Last, but by no means least, we are hugely grateful to some fantastic supporters who have helped to build not only our fundraising income, but also our profile, both locally and further afield. Without securing external funding, we simply could not deliver all that we do, so we cannot value our funding partners highly enough.

Superyachts Charities

We were honoured to be nominated as a beneficiary of the Superyachts Charities Annual Ball this year. The event hosted over 500 guests from across the Superyachts industry and we are very grateful for the donation to Oarsome Chance, which will help to fund our sailing programme as it grows and develops over the coming year. A big thank you to Superyachts Charities, their sponsors and generous supporters.

We’re looking forward to being a part of one of Superyacht Charities’ brilliantly organised events, at their Car Event in the New Forest on July 7th.

More recent and long term funding partners to celebrate…

Ebb & Flow Atlantic Row

Oarsome Chance supporter Julie Eddicott contacted us while she was on the hunt for a temporary home for a very special rowing boat – the 28.5 ft boat that Julie and her fellow team mates will be rowing across the Atlantic in December! Unfortunately, our site wasn’t going to be quite right for the boat’s home, but Julie was so impressed with the work that we’re doing, she and her team have made Oarsome Chance one of their nominated charities for their fundraising around the event. What’s more, Julie nominated us for a grant with St James’ Place Foundation, so we are extremely grateful that Julie reached out to us last year!

You can show your support for Julie and her Ebb & Flow Atlantic Row team, by making a donation on their Go Fund me page here:

National Lottery Community Fund: Awards For All

Securing funding from the traditional route of Trusts & Foundations has become more competitive than it has ever been. We continue to apply for funding with funders who have similar aims for their funding as ours, however, we would like to express our gratitude to the National Lottery Community Fund and their Awards For All funding programme. We have received grants from this programme several times over the years, for instance for our new kitchen in our Gosport centre, and for essential new IT equipment and mobile phones for our staff. We are hugely grateful for the latest grant award from the programme which will support our infrastructure costs over the next 12 months – thank you to NLCF and the players of the National Lottery for this incredibly valuable support over the years.

We have some very exciting (and major) news we will be able to share soon around National Lottery Community Fund – watch this space!

Office for the Police Crime Commissioner

We’d like to thank the OPCC for their continued support, helping to fund our Outreach Programme, which amplifies the impact of our work, by extending support to our beneficiaries beyond attending our centres, for instance by visiting them in their communities, through liaison with their families, supporting their transition into school or provision and liaising with other involved agencies.

CABWI Awarding Body

We are now into our third year of funding from CABWI, whose multi-year grant has funded our Pathways Programme, impactful work which helps our 15-16 year old student find their pathway beyond ‘leaving school’. This programme is the driving force behind our growing corporate partnerships and is helping us realise the vision of Oarsome Chance, to open up opportunity and routes to employment.

Tabhair Trust

We are extremely grateful also to the Tabhair Trust who have shown their support and confidence in our direction through a multi-year grant towards our core costs, which as any charity will tell you, is the holy grail of grants.


The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Community Fund is another very valued partner to the charity. As our local Community Fund, they have provided excellent support and information around their funding rounds, some of which we have been fortunate to have been beneficiaries. They have also been flexible friends for OC, during good times and challenging times, and we greatly appreciate their approach and in depth understanding of the world of small charities.

Breaking news! We have just been informed that we have been awarded a grant from the Get Active, Get Involved fund, funding provided by the Hampshire Playing Fields Fund and facilitated by HIWCF. This grant will help us install a new indoor rowing suite for our Gosport site, which will be a fantastic new facility, encouraging young people to do exactly that – get active and involved!

Henley Royal Regatta Charitable Trust

Thanks to the ongoing support of HRRCT we have been able to rebuild our rowing provision, ensuring we have robust procedures and training in place to continue to embed paddlesports in the heart of our activity programmes. Once again, we are hugely grateful to the Trustees support for Oarsome Chance and we are looking forward to a busy Spring and Summer out on the water!

Thank you also to other recent grant givers:

  • Fatface Foundation
  • Gosport Borough Council
  • Screwfix Foundation
  • SEHCO Fund
  • Together Fund, Angling

Fundraising is how we manage to fund the fantastic work our team carries out, which goes above and beyond for our beneficiaries. If you would like to offer your support to Oarsome Chance (a big thank you if you do!) visit the Support Us: Donate page to see how to make a donation, or Support Us: Oarsome Challenge to see how to go about taking on a fundraising challenge with our support.

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