Our Story


Oarsome Chance came about through the vision of founder Paul O’Grady. After a successful career as CEO of multiple businesses, Paul had become aware that an aptitude for business was not something young people were taught in schools. It was also clear to him that many of the young people with the greatest need in terms of acquiring skills for use in the workplace were most likely to be those who had also disengaged with education and faced a future with little opportunity. 

Drawing from his own lived experience and a belief in positive social change, Paul decided that he wanted to address the issue and sought out a way to help young people facing disadvantage to aspire to their potential by helping them gain skills and a route to employability. 

Through networking and research Paul discovered the St Ayles Skiff Project, whereby groups build their own coastal rowing skiff from a kit, which would then be used by the community who built it. He saw in this model the potential for a project that could engage young people through boat building and rowing, provide them with practical and behavioural skills and foster a meaningful connection to their local community. From this seed idea, Oarsome Chance was born. 


The success of initial pilot programmes and wholly positive outcomes for the young people participating in boat building and rowing sessions enabled Oarsome Chance to expand its service delivery and remit to encompass a wider range of activities, shaped by the needs of participating young people and maintaining a strong emphasis on tailored individual support.  

Since Oarsome Chance was founded in 2015, the young people participating on its programmes have been living through a uniquely turbulent time. Yet, through the challenges posed by realities such as the COVID-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis, those young people have continued to build practical skills and emotional resilience against the odds.

Present day

Through the shared lived experience of its staff team and commitment to providing a safe environment where young people can feel a sense of belonging and achieve their potential, Oarsome Chance is proud to be propelling forward that impulse which inspired its founding back in 2015.  

Oarsome Chance now operates out of two hubs in Gosport and Havant, works actively with over 25 referral partners and supports over 75 young people across its three programme strands, Oarsome Foundations, Pathways and Community (see Our Programmes page for more info). 

As an ever-growing Alternative Education Provision for young people with multiple and complex Special Education Needs, Oarsome Chance’s story is one of solidarity, hope and belonging.